Icom External VFO and Control – revisited and revised
Well, I’m back to the Arduino <–> Icom projects. I just acquired an Icom 7300 – and found (according to others, as well) that it and the 7610 bury a…
Ramblings of yet another nerd...
Well, I’m back to the Arduino <–> Icom projects. I just acquired an Icom 7300 – and found (according to others, as well) that it and the 7610 bury a…
So – after moving, i was presented with a much smaller space to call my shack. Since my wife was working fomr home, we had to build her some office…
Another “older” project I want to post now, just for others to benefit from my learning experience… For years, I’ve wanted a repeater to tinker with. Back as far as…
Well, I went on the trip…. and I couldn’t operate a single bit. The noise floor in the hotel was S9+… on ALL HF bands. It appeared to be the…
I haven’t given up on my custom PCB for a soundcard interface, because it’s a labor of love…. the first board has been populated, but needs some troubleshooting. I suspect…
just my experience using the PAT IF buffer from SDR-KITS.COM. power pick off point… 7.8VDC on recieve First IF tap point and coax connection to the PAT board. Note the…
I was headed out to a cub scout campout, and needed an antenna for Jamboree On The Air (JOTA). I needed something flexible, robust, and visible. After digging in the…
so…. an interesting development. The regional command vehicle that I help to support has been chasing down some network gremlins ever since it went to a heavily networked configuration. We’ve…
I noted during some experimenting that my plots all seemed to have an upward slope – then I noticed, my Y axis was totally random… strange behavior to say the…
So, this started out as an exercise to see if could get Microsoft Excel (through VBA) to directly talk to my Uniden scanner. I’ve done this in labview quite a…